Our Approval Questionnaire

Shekinah's Mi-Kis: Puppy Buyer Approval Questionnaire.
Please email to:
1. Do you work during the day (Please Specify Hours)?
2. If you answered yes to # 1 how will your puppy be kept while you are away?
3. Are you wanting a male or female?
4. What size range are you looking for?
5. How many pets do you currently have (Please Specify)
6. Do you have children? Ages?
7. Where will your puppy live during the day and sleep at night?
8. Do you have a fenced yard?
9. Do you prefer a pet or breeding Mi-Ki?
If a breeder why do you wish to breed the Mi-Ki?
10. If you wish to breed what Mi-Ki club are you a member of or plan to join?
11. Why did you choose the Mi-Ki breed?
12. Do you own a Mi-Ki already? If yes who was the breeder of your Mi-Ki?
In Order To Become An Approved Buyer And To Further Secure That Our Puppies Are Going To Only "Forever Homes". We Ask That You Supply Us With Your Veterinarian Office Contact Info And Release Them To Speak To Us
Veterinarian Reference:
1. Name: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________
City: _____________________________ State: _____Zip: _________
Office Phone: _____________________
Thank You For Your time In Filling Out Our Questionnaire. We Hope To Use Our Questionnaire To Better Help You Find The Puppy You Are Looking For And To Assure Our Puppies Are Placed In Homes They Will Be Most Happiest In.